- Phone:- Alkesh Patel :- +91-9327006046
Ketan Patel :- +91-9825022180 - Email:- hitechpaper@yahoo.in

- Vertical screen designed for fine screening of all kind of stock suspensions at low consistency range of 0.4-1.1%
- The screens are suitable for stock preparation system and also for approach flow system ahead of paper machine.
- The MULTIVANE AEROFOIL ROTOR design ensures the screen to operate free from pulsation.
- Low power consumption.
- Exceptional improvement in screening efficiency.
- Improve quality of paper.
- Dependable paper machine operation.
- Basket-hole or slot type.
- Excellent manufacturing fitness.
- Multi vane aerofoil rotor.
- Pulsation free rotor design.
- Special rotor design avoids string formation.
- Gentle screening.
- For low consistency hole or slot basket.